Motheread/Fatheread® Program Details


Motheread/Fatheread participants at Taylortown Head Start
Motheread/Fatheread Book Clubs are scheduled with and hosted by community partners throughout Moore County.  To host a book club or to find out more information, contact Nancy Bryant at 910-692-5954 or


  • has been working to improve literacy in the lives of children and adults for over 30 years:
  • is a national program led by trained certified facilitators
  • educates parents on the importance and vital impact of reading to their children every daybefore birth, and throughout early childhood.
  • helps parents to connect to children’s literature by using it as a framework to explore, discuss, and reflect on real-life, every-day experiences.
  • builds parents’ confidence in the art of reading actively with their children, by practicing research-based strategies that help to engage children and make stories more meaningful.
  • improves parents’ listening, speaking, reading, and writing skills through reflective
    responses to adult writings.


All parents and caregivers with at least one child living in the home who is between birth and 5 years are eligible to attend.  Expecting parents are also welcome.

Don't let the reading stop! Check this out!